About Us
Milpali was founded with the vision to create a collective of people with a love for art, culture and fashion. Our swimwear represents our lifestyle through thriving from creativity and passion.
We change the way people see swimwear, from a purely functional item to something that can express our creativity and individuality.
We're here to create sustainable products that are beautiful, meaningful and have the power to start conversations about our life stories and adventures. It's about living a full, creative, fun and meaningful life.
Swimwear is often where people are more daring to wear vibrant colours and unique patterns. So we found a way to print artworks onto fabric and turn it into swimwear. We wanted to keep a high fidelity, high quality print that shows the texture of the paint and the movement of the brush strokes, as they are on the canvas.
We partner with all sorts of independent artists and art centers from around the world, including a very special collaboration with Maruku Arts, a not-for-profit art and craft corporation, owned and operated by Anangu in the Northern Territory, Australia. The name Milpali was chosen for us by the artists who work with Maruku Arts. It means Sand Goanna to the Central and Western Desert Aboriginal people.
We chose to collaborate with indigenous artists to help put a spotlight on the Indigenous heritage and help others feel connected to it.
Artists and their representatives are part of the design process all the way through. They remain sole owners of their artworks and license them to Milpali on an ongoing basis.